For the rest of the month get a 10% discount with this code LL10 at the online shop to celebrating 10 years since Lydia Leith Design started.
Ten years ago I had just left art college and I printed my Royal Wedding Sick Bags, after being featured on a design blog they, overnight, went viral! Suddenly I was running a business and being interviewed on tv across the globe. Thanks to support from family, friends, neighbours, my local printers and post office, I managed to forfull all the orders made. My beloved cottage industry was born.
It was an excellent start. I’ve since gone on to an exciting mix of projects and design work. Collaborating with some wonderful brands, people and communities. Being an independent designer has taught me a lot and I love it, I am still learning and growing each day.
Designing and making products for the online shop is still where my true passion lies. From making screen prints, jelly moulds, temporary tattoos, silk scalves, to ceramics, I’ve always enjoyed learning about the process of making and designing objects that can be enjoyed by others.
Cheers to the next ten years, may it be full of more creativity as I carry on as independent designers/artist. Thank you